Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pool time!

Layne went swimming today in Granny Cat and Poppy's pool.  She loved it!  Her little legs were kicking when she was in her raft.  I'm sure there will be some more swimming pictures in the next couple of weeks! 


The next few pictures are of Layne and her cousin Lilya.  Lilya is older by about 5 months.  Soon they will be big enough to play together! 

Mommy took Layne to see some of mommy's friends from college and their babies, Maddox and Garrett

Layne and Maddox are 3 weeks apart.  This pic is a little fuzzy, but cute! 

Trying to get Garrett and Layne to take a picture together.  He looks so innocent here, but.....

Here he goes taking Layne's pacifier...

She is not too happy about it...

Now she is MAD about it!  I think he is quickly trying to put it back in her mouth.  :)

Now it's hugs from Garrett

Layne and Maddox playing together

New Pictures!

Layne and Granny Cat

Layne is ready for the pool!  I'll add some pics of her actually in the pool here in a few days. 

She is REALLY into her'll see some more feet pictures below. 

She thought it was fun to sit on daddy's shoulders. 


Goin for those feet!

She either has fingers in her mouth or on her feet...this time it looks like both!

Both hands!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Layne Bouncing

Layne REALLY loves her jumpy thing (I am not sure what to call it).  Tonight she jumped for an hour!  Here is a video of her jumping from last week. 

Cute faces and silly faces....

Blue eyes!!

Layne LOVES being outside. Here she is checking out the trees.

I am not sure what these new faces are all about!

Silly face! We'll save this one to show people when she is a teenager. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This past weekend we went to Peoria to have Layne baptized. It was a really nice ceremony and we take comfort in knowing she has had this done. We are thankful for all the family that were able to witness this event.