Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maddox comes to visit

Our friends Heather and Joe went away for the weekend and asked us to watch their son, Maddox. He is 2 weeks older than Layne. He was a very good and sweet little boy. He and Layne "played" well together for the most part...she pretty much wanted everything he had and he pretty much let her take it. Here are some pics from the weekend.

Morning wagon ride. Layne looks a little freaked out and has some sweet bed head.

I love this picture of them looking out the window.

Happy boy!

Crazy girl!!

Fighting over the lawnmower.

I put this picture in too early, but this was them on the way home from the zoo.

Loving the water.

I love his swimsuit.

Splash splash!

She doesn't just her her feet wet...she goes for the whole body.

Maddox and the otter.

Crawling under the otter tank.


Jason playing peek-a-boo using Harley. The kids loved it!

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