Thursday, February 25, 2010

1 Year Old

Well somehow it has been 1 year already. It really doesn't seem possible, but what fun it has been. As the days go on Layne is learning more and more things and is now learning how to be funny. It is quite amazing how much a child changes in that first year. What they learn and how quickly they grow is just neat to watch. At Layne's 1 year check up she weighed 18 lbs and 2 oz. She's only in the 8% for her weight and she's 29 1/2 inches which puts her in the 50% for height. She is just a little peanut and she makes Jason and I so happy. We are extremely blessed to have such a sweet little girl.

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Gabba friends balloons.

Birthday girl and daddy.

Yum yum!

What a rotten face.

Playing with Uncle Josh.

Everybody working.


More, more, and more presents..


Layne and her friend Maddox. She won't leave him alone.

She licks his hand...

and hugs him. I think she's in love.

These girls were thirsty!

Playing in her wagon.

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