Monday, March 9, 2009

More pictures of Layne

Layne has been busy growing the past couple of weeks. We don't go to the doctor again until next week so we don't know how much weight she has gained, but she is getting bigger for sure! Here are some new pictures....

Dad was having chips and a beer while watching the Purdue game, so we thought Layne should too!

She even has her hand in the bowl ready to eat!

Layne in her new shirt.

Layne in her big girl clothes!

Dad and Layne relaxing

Naked baby!

1 comment:

  1. There are so many things going on in that first picture, it's hilarious. Baby Layne is looking where Jason is pointing, he's holding a beer and fritos, and Lorenzo is giving him the death stare. If there were only a rainbow and a bowl of shotgun pellets, would it be any more random.
